Easy and Fast Ways of Making a Paper Plane, Read on to know how!

Paper planes have become a part of almost everyone’s childhood. Making a paper plane that can fly high and far is a great accomplishment for the young. Many children outgrow their love for a simple toy. But, when kids go to school, paper planes cease to be considered as playthings. Instead, they become serious projects that will bring them more knowledge. Later, when they become parents, they have to relearn how to make a paper airplane easy and fast for their kids who love this toy.

Many people would think that making a paper airplane is simple. This is true if you do not care about how it will perform. When you want one that can fly high and for a  long time, the art of building a paper airplane can be a great challenge.

Paper Aircraft Making Tips:

Choose the materials carefully:

Most children do not think about the paper that they use to make an airplane. Many of them use any kind of paper. It could be sourced from a newspaper, a magazine, a gift wrapper, or packaging. You can make a plane out of any kind of paper; but, will it be able to fly fast and long?

You would realize that your failure to make a paper aircraft, that glides for long distances, is due to the type of material that you have used. An old newspaper is not crisp. If it has been exposed to moisture, it can get heavy, and tear up easily. Folding an old newspaper, so that the creases hold, can be a challenge.

Magazine paper can be glossy and thin. You will be able to make a colorful aircraft, but, because the paper is light, it cannot produce enough momentum when you throw it into the air. It will most likely go down after a short flight.

A gift wrapper is colorful, but the materials used are usually thin and glossy. Using it to make a paper plane can be tempting. If you want to have a beautiful paper plane, this type of paper can be a good choice.

If you want a paper plane that can fly fast and cover a long distance, an 8×11 bond paper will do the trick. This material is crisp, can be folded easily, and weighs enough to gain momentum when you throw it into the air. The folds stay for long so that the small aircraft can fly farther.

2. Proper folding

Making a paper aircraft involves an ability to fold paper properly. There is an appropriate way of folding paper so that the finished aircraft can fly far and fast.

People call the folds the Nakamura Lock. Nakamura was famous for making things out of paper. A paper jet made with the Nakamura Lock can soar up to 80 ft. Here are the steps in folding the paper plane.

1. Fold an 8×11 bond paper lengthwise. Crease the fold all the way down. The line will serve as your marker.

2. Open the paper on a flat surface. Fold the corners down so that the edges meet at the crease and form a triangle above.

3.  Fold the triangle downward. The pointed part must be facing the bottom of the paper.

4. Fold the two corners down so that they meet at the center just above the first triangle. Bend up the bottom of the triangle to cover the two corners at the center.

5. Make the nose of the plane, by folding the whole thing lengthwise, make sure that a triangle shows on its side. The pointed tip will be the nose.

6. Fold the top edge to the bottom on both sides. Your paper plane has wings now. You can throw it in the air to make it fly.

3.Throwing the paper airplane

The height and speed of a paper aircraft will be affected by the way you throw it into the air. You may have thrown your toy anyway you wanted, this will make you feel frustrated as you watch your aircraft go down a few feet into the distance.

Watch your paper jet soar and glide and reach long distances by following the right method of throwing your paper airplane.

1. Are you right-handed or left-handed?

It is important to know this. You must use the dominant hand. Throwing with your stronger hand will affect the height and length of the flight.

2. Hold the paper plane where there are several layers of folds.

That will be the center of gravity. Move forward slightly and throw with your stronger hand.

3. Conduct flight tests.

Start with an easy level launch and observe how your plane performs. Then, do a full launch and let go of your toy. Release the plane at the highest arc of your hands. Take note that when you throw something, your throwing hand forms an arc. Letting go of the paper plane when your hand is moving down the arc will make it fly a short distance and fall.

4. Flying paper plane

Can you fly a paper jet outside? Or is it only good to fly inside your home? Going out to test your paper jet is fun. But, when it is windy, your plane can be blown down or away. Flying it when it is drizzling can make it wet and it will go down.

Your jet can last long if you play inside your home; you can choose a wide and open area such as the living room. However, the height and distance of the flight will be limited. Still, you can enjoy your aircraft for a few days.

There is no age limit to playing with paper planes. If you find fun in doing it, join your kids and have a grand time.

Making paper planes with your children is a way of bonding with them. They will appreciate you teaching them how to make easy paper airplanes that fly far. Join them and have fun as well.

  • Eliza Palmer

    I’m the author and the publisher and I have 7 years of experience in my field of working and I won some awards in my life time and I like to spend my time in updating about the Feature technology and also like to involve myself to help the poor peoples.

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